| 1. | Between the device and the receiving device is launched beam penetrating sensor function sensing range of 32 to 9 - 3 4 具有发射装置和接收装置之间的光束穿透感测功能,感测范围达32至9 - 3 4 " 10m |
| 2. | In a communication system , the time lapse between the operation of the transmitting device and the response of the receiving device 在通信系统中,从发送设备开始工作到接收设备产生响应之间的时间间隔。 |
| 3. | Abr allows the receiving device to accept data from a variety of transmitting devices operating at different speeds without needing to establish data rates in advance Abr允许接收设备以不同速度接收来自不同传输设备的数据,不需要预先建立数据速率。 |
| 4. | In data communications , the transmission of acknowledgment ( ack ) characters from the receiving device to the sending device indicates the data sent has been received correctly 数据通信中,接收设备向发射设备发送确认( ack )字符表示发送数据已经正确接收。 |
| 5. | Streaming media is processed and played back by a client player application , as it is received , leaving behind no residual copy of the content on the receiving device 流媒体可以通过internet intranet实现对音像资料的点播或实时访问。当客户申请的内容回放时,在机器上不会留下内容的本地拷贝。 |
| 6. | As the millimeter wave energy radiation and the receiving device , the design and application of the antenna seem to be important , specially miniaturization and integration of the entire antenna system 作为毫米波能量的辐射和接收装置,毫米波天线的设计和应用显得尤为重要,特别要考虑整个天线系统的小型化和集成化。 |